by webadmin | Oct 25, 2018 | Uncategorised
The Hills Leadership Program was recognised in the Legislative Assembly on Thursday 25 October 2018. To Read This Speech Click Here. To read all of Ray’s Speeches in Parliament Click Here.
by webadmin | Oct 23, 2018 | Uncategorised
Castle Hill Cricket Club’s 160th Anniversary was recognized in the Legislative Assembly on Tuesday 23 October 2018. To Read The Speech Click Here. To read all of Ray’s Speeches in Parliament Click Here.
by webadmin | Oct 17, 2018 | Uncategorised
Castle Hill residents are urged to make sure they are prepared for the bush fire season. The new NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) ‘Prepare. Act. Survive’ public awareness campaign asked the important question ‘How Fireproof Is Your Plan?’ The message this bush fire...
by webadmin | Oct 8, 2018 | Uncategorised
NSW is experiencing a construction boom that has driven unemployment in Western Sydney to its lowest level since records were taken, at just 4.7%. We know Tradies are the backbone of the building and construction industry, but they currently pay $605 every three years...