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Rouse Hill Hospital Announcement - with The Hon Brad Hazzard - Minister for Health
2022 Hills District RFS Medal Ceremony
It was a great honour to meet Olympic Champion, former world record holder and Golden Girl of Australian Swimming - Ms Libby Trickett!
Students from Rouse Hill, Kellyville and Castle Hill High Schools, Malek Fayed and Hills Grammar 22 June 2022
The 2022 Hills Relay for Life marks 21 years of raising funds to fight Cancer.
7News Young Achiever Awards 2022
Anzac Day 2022 - Lest We Forget
Ray Williams MP - Recipient of a pin marking 20 years of service to the Lions Club of Kellyville
The Grand Opening of the Glenhaven Public School Basketball Courts
2021 Local Woman of the Year - Denise Daynes
ROUSE HILL HOSPITAL (Artists Impression) - Site Announcement 1 February 2019
27th AMG of Castle Hill Branch of Red Cross - doing amazing things for our community and abroad
My pleasure to attend the 24th Anniversary Luncheon of the Hills Chinese Women's Association
At Western Sydney University delivering a grant to local writers who use their cultural background and experiences growing up in Western Sydney as inspiration for their texts
Presenting the Australian Flag to celebrate 70 years of Scouting at 1st Kellyville Scout Group
Presenting Aileen Mountifield with her Local Woman of the Year Award for her outstanding work with the Lisa Harnum Foundation
Visiting Interaction - an organisation providing outstanding services for people with disabilities. Interaction will be a direct beneficiary of the Government's investment in the NDIS
Induction of Rev Greg Woolnough at Wesley Uniting Church
Mega Borer Elizabeth resurfaces on Sydney Netro Northwest - tunnelling is now 99 percent complete!
Opening the first stage of Kellyville Anglican's community playground area
Being led by Castle Hill High School Students as we march for White Ribbon in The Hills
Out with local Parliamentarians marching for White Ribbon to end violence in our community
Ettamogah Social Club donating presents to the children in the CT Ward at Westmead Hospital
One happy customer!
Celebrating 15 years of Castle Hill Day Surgery - a wonderful institution in our community
Presenting Charli Orsini from Our Lady of the Rosary with her 2015 Ray Williams Encouragement Award
Celebrating 100 years of 1st Castle Hill Scout
Awarding local area SES command office Evelyn Lester with her achievement award
With 2015 Graduates from the Dural Men's Shed carpentry course
With Transport Minister Andrew Constance and Member for Epping Damien Tudehope celebrating the unveiling of the new Sydney Metro Northwest trains!
It was delightful to present Akila Ramarathinam with her Carer of the Year Award. A remarkable woman who deserves recognition
Pleased to be representing Roads Minister Duncan Gay viewing stage 1 of the $500 million Bringelly Rd upgrade together with Minister for Major Projects Paul Fletcher
Addressing award recipients at the Annual Group Training Association's Awards Night - recognising outstanding trainees, apprentices and hosts
We had a visit to Parliament today from two greyhounds, re-homed after a career on the track and now used in a mental health facility to help rehabilitate young people - John Robertson looks impressed in the background
Discussing with media the Government's 20 year plan for the Sydenham to Bankstown rail corridor
No Premier, your Parliamentary Secretary isn't being arrested, just given a guided tour of the holding cell at Castle Hill Police Station - that's my story and I'm sticking to it
Presenting Hamish Callaghan his Player of the Year Award for Kellyville Kolts
Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Rouse Hill Fire Brigade. Pictured (L-R) NSW Rural Fire Service Assistant Commissioner Bruce McDonal, councillor Robyn Preston, brigade president Jeff Whitton, councillor Michelle Byrne, myself and The Hills District fire control officer Superintendent John Hojel
Presenting the State Flag to Castle Hill Primary School Leaders Manu and Natalie
Launching the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Shooting World Cup in Sydney
Great day at the Castle Hill Bowling Club Open Day - look at that serious concentration!
Pawsitive Steps towards Mental Health walk & wellbeing Expo
Announcing State Government funding for pet programs throughout Western Sydney (August 2015). Pictured (L-R) Minister Paul Toole, RSPCA's Michelle Ainger, myself and RSPCA NSW CEO Steve Coleman.
Inspecting the Sydney Metro Northwest with Premier Mike Baird and Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Andrew Constance - rocking the fluro and hard hat as usual
Visiting the site of Productivity Bootcamp in Mt Druitt, getting youths into skilled work
After almost 50 years, Castle Hill Fire Station's Peter Welsh hangs up his helmet for the last time. Pictured (L-R): myself, Peter and Clr Andrew Jefferies
The Hills Chinese Women's Association luncheon celebrating thier 23rd Anniversary - an amazing community and incredible hospitality
Visiting the Early Childhood Education Centre in Round Corner
Celebrating NAIDOC week at Rouse Hill House and getting up close and personal with some of the natives
Inspecting Wetherill Street upgrades as part of the Government's Local Roads Package, delivering better roads for Western Sydney. Pictured (L-R): myself, Senator Marise Payne and Fairfield Clr Frank Carbone
Speaker at the YMCA Youth Parliament - students much better behaved then us State Members!
At Rouse Hill Town Centre celebrating 100 years of women in the Police Force - go girls!
Addressing school leaders at Parliament House. Students representing the Hills came from Castle Hill High School, Hills Adventist College, Rouse Hill High School and William Clarke College
Presenting medals to athletes at Budokan Judo Club at Castle Hill. The blue attire meant they had to go easy on me!
Announcing the installment of much-needed lights at Castlewood Reserve for the Castle Hill Brumbies
Assistant Commissioner Denis Clifford, Minister for Correctional Services David Elliot , Local Area Commander Rob Critchlow and two wonderful local police volunteers at an awards ceremony at Castle Hill RSL
A hugely successful Curry Festival in Castle Hill - a generous and wonderful community
Anzac Day 2015 with Federal Member for Mitchell Alex Hawke and Hills local Brigadier Philip Bridie, AM. Lest we forget.
Celebrating the launch of the Salvation Army's 2015 Red Shield Appeal attended by Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove.
Thumbs Up from the NSW Premier - Gladys Berejiklian
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian visiting the new North Kellyville Public School
With 2018 Grandparent of the Year - Susan Cliff and her family