Member for Castle Hill Ray Williams today announced that more than 1.8 million containers have been returned to reverse vending machines in Castle Hill since the scheme began in December last year.
“On average, our local constituents are returning around 20,000 containers each day. I would like to congratulate the residents of Castle Hill for this fantastic result” said Mr Williams. “I drive by the kiosk at Woolworth Kellyville almost every day, and I always see people depositing their containers. It’s fantastic”!
“Return and Earn is the largest litter initiative ever introduced in NSW, and it is great to see the residents of Castle Hill getting behind the scheme, and doing their bit to keep our local community clean”, said Mr Williams.
NSW Environment Minister Gabrielle Upton thanked the residents of Castle Hill for their support of Return and Earn.
“Castle Hill’s enthusiastic participation exemplifies the widespread support for Return and Earn in NSW, with almost 120 million containers returned across the state since the scheme began.”
There are will soon be close to 500 operational Return and Earn across the NSW, as more are to be rolled out in the weeks to come.
Most drink containers between 150ml and three litres are eligible for the 10c refund. Containers should be intact (not crushed or broken) and have a readable barcode to be eligible.
For more information, including a full list of eligible drink containers, visit: