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The Dural Men’s Shed has established itself as a magnificent community institution in The Hills; it has moved from simply being just another men’s shed.

I say that with the greatest respect because I endorse and commend each and every men’s shed in this country.

Men’s sheds are really proving their worth in encouraging elderly men to get off their backsides and interact with other older blokes in a friendly, blokey environment where they can get their hands dirty, have a good yarn and a swear.

Nothing is better than tinkering around with some tools with one’s mates; it is what guys do best. Dural Men’s Shed is much more than that.

Some time ago I mentioned this program to Governor Marie Bashir and she rang me to offer her encouragement, saying that sometimes young people just need some support and encouragement and that can be the difference between them leading a good life or remaining on the street.

How true that is.

This program utilising the wonderful resources of our aging population through their involvement in men’s sheds has the ability, through the benefits of intergenerational mentoring, to provide hope to thousands of young people, and it is so simple.

The program needs to be duplicated in more areas, especially where there is a high incidence of disaffected young people.

I commend this program and encourage every member of parliament to encourage any men’s sheds in their electorates to take on this wonderful mentoring program for disaffected youth in their areas.

This is a wonderful model and I will be promoting it broadly throughout government.

To read Ray full Private Members Statement in the NSW Parliament’s Legislative Assembly, click here.