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Channel 7 News Transcript (14 October 2015).

MARK FERGURSON (Channel 7 News): The revamp of the Bankstown train line will do much more than just improve public transport. 36,000 new apartments will be built along the corridor. It will happen in 11 suburbs providing more choice, especially for more home buyers.

CHRIS MAHER (Channel 7 News): In the centre of Bankstown, it’s not just the fruit being blended – it’s a blend of cultures, too. Saigon Place and tributes to boat people, but Bankstown’s under pressure.

DARRELL FERNANDES (Real Estate Agent): There’s good planning, but Bankstown definitely needs it, Bankstown’s getting very overpopulated.

CHRIS MAHER (Channel 7 News): But there are plans for Bankstown to get a facelift as part of a new metro rail service.

RAY WILLIAMS (Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier for Western Sydney): to provide trains at 4 minute intervals and ultimately shift 45,000 passengers per hour.

CHRIS MAHER (Channel 7 News): And conversions for suburbs, around 11 stations along the Bankstown line introducing 36,000 more units, including: Marrickville (84 percent increase); Dulwich Hill (37 percent increase); Canterbury (208 percent increase); Belmore (128 percent increase); and Bankstown (97 percent increase).

KHAL ASFOUR (Bankstown Mayor): Into the future we will have problems if this isn’t done right and that’s why we’re happy to work with the State Government to make sure it is done right.

CHRIS MAHER (Channel 7 News): For centres like here in Bankstown, a move towards high rise is really more of the same. Very different to other areas around railway stations like here at Dulwich Hill where they will be keeping a very close watch around just how these extra residents will be accommodated to suit what’s already there.

TIM MOORE (Marrickville Council): It does propose densities above 8 stories and up to 12 stories, and they may be hard to fit into these established historic areas.

CHRIS MAHER (Channel 7 News): The plans are open for public discussion.